Best for general knowledge, e.g people, places, events
By: Tiny Tap Mix
Years Old
About this course
Embark on an adventure with interactive games like "I spy" and "seek & find" to develop key skills. Children improve color and object identification, boosting visual acuity and cognitive abilities. Plus, they practice counting in fun activities like "I spy colors" and "Where's My Stuff?" Join us for playful learning!
Just for fun
Science & Nature
Language Studies (Native)
Shapes & Colors
Playing I Spy - City
Playing I Spy - Country
Seek & Find - Where’s My Stuff 1
Seek & Find - Where’s My Stuff? 2
I Spy…A Color Game
Course Author
Tiny Tap Mix🇺🇸
Welcome to TinyTap Mix, your portal to a boundless world of premium educational courses. TinyTap specialize in curating captivating content from a diverse array of creators to craft unique and engaging learning experiences. Drawing upon the expertise of a global community of educators, artists, and innovators, we meticulously select and blend top-quality content to design premium games that inspire, challenge, and entertain learners of all ages. Whether it's delving into fascinating subjects, mastering essential skills, or exploring thrilling themes, each course is expertly curated to ignite curiosity and spark joy in learning. Welcome to TinyTap Mix, where premium courses are crafted with passion and purpose.
The TinyTap Store is a growing library of thousands of educational content for kids made by teachers and experts worldwide. Each course offers a unique learning journey to fit your child's age, interests and needs. Get ongoing feedback, reports, and suggestions based on your child's activities to guide their learning journey effectively.