Best for general knowledge, e.g people, places, events
Little Learners: Ages 3-4
By: Shulamit Serfaty
Years Old
About this course
Learning Activities for Preschool Students, Ages 3-4: Young learners will build independent thinking, problem solving skills and creativity. This four part course includes a variety of learning activities that progress in difficulty to develop cognitive and motor skills.
Matching & Sorting
Shapes & Colors
Little Learners, Ages 3-4: Part 1
Little Learners, Ages 3-4: Part 2
Little Learners, Ages 3-4: Part 3
Little Learners, Ages 3-4: Part 4
Course Author
Shulamit Serfaty馃嚭馃嚫
Shulamit has extensive experience in developing educational content. Developed dozens of learning games and activity books. A children's books writer and illustrator, as well as a screenwriter and content developer for children's channels. Shulamit holds a BA in design and education, MA in education art, and a teaching certificate. 砖讜诇诪讬转 爪专驻转讬 讘注诇转 谞讬住讬讜谉 专讘 讘驻讬转讜讞 转讻谞讬诐 诇讬诪讜讚讬讬诐 诇诪注专讻转 讛讞讬谞讜讱. 驻讬转讞讛 注砖专讜转 诪砖讞拽讬诐, 注专讻讜转 驻注讬诇讜转, 讞讜讘专讜转 讛注砖专讛 讜讛驻注诇讜转. 讻讜转讘转 讜诪讗讬讬专转 住驻专讬 讬诇讚讬诐, 讜讘谞讜住祝 转住专讬讟讗讬转 讜诪驻转讞转 转讜讻谉 诇注专讜爪讬 讛讬诇讚讬诐. 讘注诇转 转讜讗专 专讗砖讜谉 讘注讬爪讜讘 讜讞讬谞讜讱, 转讜讗专 砖谞讬 讘讞讬谞讜讱 诇讗诪谞讜转 讜讘注诇转 转注讜讚转 讛讜专讗讛.
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