Best for general knowledge, e.g people, places, events
Pre-Writing: Visual Skills
By: TinyTap's Learning Plan EN
Years Old
About this course
These fun puzzles were selected to improve the student's eye-hand coordination needed for later writing skills by requiring vertical, horizontal and diagonal hand motions. At this stage, children are beginning to "pretend write" stories. As an extension activity, provide opportunities for the child to do so by combining some initial letter strokes and scribbles and drawings, maybe taking their favorite story and rewriting it with a different ending or different characters. Making the student a character will give extra practice in writing the letters in their name.
Language Studies (Native)
Early Intervention
Tangram Puzzle
Smart Match Colors - Level 1
Magic Colors - Transportation Coloring Pages
Tangram - Geometric Puzzle
Halves Puzzle
Course Author
TinyTap's Learning Plan EN🇺🇸
TinyTap's Learning Plan
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